How to Apply

Summer 2025 and AY 2025-2026 Applications Are Now Available

The application will consist of the online form and required documents. Applicants are also responsible for contacting 2 references and ensuring their letters of reference are uploaded to the reference portal by 2/7/2025.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Do not submit more than one application for the same language and the same term. If you accidentally submit multiple applications for the same language and term, contact your FLAS Coordinator immediately.

Please scroll to the bottom of this page to access each Area Studies Center's FLAS application link.


Applications and letters of recommendation are due February 7, 2025

Follow these easy steps when applying for a summer or academic year FLAS fellowship:

  1. Choose your language
  2. Complete the FLAS application checklist.
  3. Complete the FLAS application, using a KU Online ID or Non-KU Account. 
  4. Contact your 2 references and follow up as needed so they submit letters on time via the recommendation submission link for the correct Area Studies Center for your language. All letter of recommendation submission links are located here.
  5. Save your information and double check your application before you press submit!

It is the student's responsibility to make certain that the application is complete; incomplete applications will not be considered. 

Please be aware that the application form does not allow you to save progress and/or return to it at a later time – the form must be filled out in its entirety before submission. Therefore, it is recommended that you reserve enough time to fill out the entire application, including all required file uploads, in order to minimize loss of progress/time.

If you would prefer to work offline, or to prepare your application materials in advance, download the document version of the application. 

Download the academic year application. 

Download the summer application.

For All Applications:

Students are encouraged to speak with references and provide them with materials (e.g. statement of purpose, resume, CV, etc.) well in advance of the reference deadline; students are responsible for directing references to upload their letters to the recommendation portal.  A complete application requires 2 letters of recommendation; incomplete applications will not be considered.

References must be directed by the student to submit a letter of recommendation by February 7, 2025. Failure to submit a letter of recommendation by the deadline will significantly impact the student's application.

Students will upload their 1) statement of purpose, 2) current transcript or degree progress report, 3) former institution transcripts (unofficial or official), and 4) resume or CV in the application form.

Area Studies Centers Application Priorities

Applications from qualified students will be prioritized in the following order:  (1) Students who express concrete plans to go into government service or to become K-12 educators, (2) Students wishing to study abroad, (3) Students who demonstrate financial need, or (4) from professional schools.

The primary selection criteria for both academic year and summer grants is intellectual merit, including both quality of the application and potential to diversify intellectual production (by broadening participation of students from underrepresented groups or those who demonstrate financial need). The selection committee considers potential contribution to the field (including GPA, goals of the student, likelihood of success); quality of application (including statement of purpose and letters of recommendation); financial need; and membership in a traditionally underrepresented group (Including students at community colleges or minority-serving institutions).

  • No awards are given to speakers at native proficiency in writing, reading, and speaking.
  • No awards are given for European languages spoken in Africa (such as Portuguese or French).
  • Arabic awards are for study within African contexts only.

The CLACS Graduate Committee will select FLAS awards based on the relevance of the language to the students’ careers, their demonstrated economic need (as evidenced by FAFSA documents), their GPA, and their letters of recommendation. Competitive priority is given to:

1) KU students who plan to meet their FLAS course requirements at KU or a KU study abroad program;

2) KU students who plan to meet their FLAS course requirements at another institution;

3) non-KU students who plan to meet their FLAS course requirements at KU;

4) KU graduate students fluent in another Latin American language who have a specific reason to learn advanced Spanish (offered at KU).

Applications from students will be prioritized in the following order:

(1) Potential contribution to the field and the overall quality of the application, as demonstrated by the student’s:

  • GPA,
  • aptitude for/commitment to REES,
  • career goals, with preference given for those interested in government service,
  • statement of purpose,
  • references,

(2) Demonstrated financial need.

Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS)

CEAS languages include Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tibetan, and Uyghur.

Photo collage of East Asia. CEAS

Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

CLACS languages include Guaraní, Haitian Creole, K’iche’ Maya, Miskitu, Portuguese, Quechua, Tlapanec (Me'phaa), and Yucatec Maya

CLACS. Photo collage of Latin America

Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (CREES)

CREES languages include Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian (BCMS), Czech, Polish, Russian, Tajik/Persian, Turkish, and Ukrainian.

CREES. Photo collage of Eastern Europe

Kansas African Studies Center (KASC)

KASC languages include Arabic, Kiswahili, Wolof, and Yoruba.

KASC. Photo collage of Africa